Does XBMC run well on these odd systems?
Does anyone know if XBMC can work on a system that is based on a BroadCom BCM7420 SoC? My sister has this nettop box that isn't being used, most nettops are being made with the Intel CE4100 platform but this one is being used with a BroadCom BCM7420 SoC which is the same type of plat form as the Intel platform. Her nettop box as a media center on there that is crappy, it looks generic and I don't know what it is but its crappy. I was going to load XBMC on it and use it at home but wanted to know if anybody knows if the processor is good enough in it?

The other system is a Sigma Design system that is also a SoC the box is made by Nagravision. Its weird I know but I want to put XBMC on one of these systems. My sister was married to an IT guy and he left these behind and they aren't being used so I'm trying to use them. Can someone help me?
no, you won't load XBMC on one of those, sorry.

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Does XBMC run well on these odd systems?0