Current HTPC Feedback
I have an older HTPC I built a year or so ago and looking for some feedback on if it will do the job for my current needs. Here are the specs currently:

Processor 1.87Ghz Intel 6300
1Gb ram (I know this needs to be updated probably 4gb)
Video card unknown (planning on the GT430)
Asus Motherboard, forget the version can get if important
Already have an UnRaid server running with ~10tb storage

Looking to be able to play my BluRay rips to my home theater and will require the full 1080P output and full bitstreaming support of all formats. I understand the GT430 will cover these requirements? I may be able to steal some ram from my UnRaid server or just buy some new ram (I believe my mobo is DDR2 compatible will have to confirm DDR3?). Not sure how big a part the processor will play, hoping it will be enough and can get away with just new ram and video card. All feedback welcome, been getting by with a popcorn hour and this new XBMC build is blowing me away so thinking that it's time to try the switch as long as I can get the remote control items figured out with my harmony remote.
A GT220 will cover our needs.

I'm running a 1.8gHz celeron.
1GB of RAM.Full 1080p with absolutely no problem. (you don't need more ram!)

Only thing a 430 is going to gain you over the 220 is 3D support and audio bit streaming.

NewEgg has a GT210 for $6 after rebate right now. I think the only thing the GT220 does better is deinterlacing and some SD upscaling.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
1GB of RAM is fine for XBMClive, but I'd suggest more if you want a different OS.
Asus AT5IONT-I in an A+ CUPID-3 + 2TB Seagate LP + 16GB SSD + Ubuntu + Samba + XBMC

AT5IONT-I Problems? Check out my Motherboard I/O Map for troubleshooting tips.
Yeah, I currently use windows 7 ultimate so I would need to keep that for the bluray rip support for when I buy the disks and want to get them on my server. So I suspect more ram would be in my best interest. I guess I could always give it a shot without more ram and see what happens. Good thing RAM is cheap
SSD OS Drive > More Ram


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