[WINDOWS] Detect gamepads plugged after XBMC started
Hello XBMC team,

I created a little patch to allow XBMC to detect joysticks plugged after XBMC started. See my post here http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=94290 This is particularly interesting for owners of a Wireless X360 pad like me because if the wireless pad is not on when XBMC boots up it won't be detected later on.

I would like some comments maybe from someone in charge of this part of the code. I used WM_DEVICECHANGE Win32 message in WinEventsWin32.cpp but also in Application.cpp and I am sure it will cause platform dependent issues.

Thank you for your help and sorry for the repost here trying to get your attention.
neat. wonder how much work it would be use use dinput directly..
I submitted a patch here http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/11220

I think the notification mechanism implemented in this patch is independent from the layer beneath (SDL or DInput). If DInput was to be added here, it would probably be done as a derived version of CJoystick which is not impacted by this patch.
sure. was more of a this-is-the-only-reason-windows-needs-sdl-and-it-was-slightly-on-topic observation thingie.

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[WINDOWS] Detect gamepads plugged after XBMC started0