XBMC UPnP server transcoding
I'm a massive fan on XBMC and have used it for years. I've got a beef Linux box in my living room with XBMC that I use as my media server. However, in my den, have a PS3 I use as a "frontend" for that media server in that room. Currently, I am using PS3Media server to stream videos (basically all 720p mkv's), to the PS3.

I would, however, LOVE to use XBMC for this. The UPNP server works great, however, the PS3 of course cannot natively play mkvs, and various other media formats. This is, fo course solved by PS3 Media server transcoding these videos to something the PS3 can deal with.

Now as I understand it, XBMC obviously uses mplay/menecoder to be able to play basically anything. Would it be at all possible to stick this/ffmpeg (which I think PS3 Media Server uses), between the library and the upnp stream, on a client basis?

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