Audio Sync Issues - Video and Menu
I am having persistent issues with audio synchronisation on XBMC.

I am using XBMC 10.1 on Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 on an NVidia ION (260.19.06 Drivers) based HTPC connected to a toshiba LCD TV over HDMI. I am using Pulseaudio for audio and all of my media is contained on an e-SATA connected RAID enclosure.

Heres how the issue goes. When I first fire up XBMC from command line the first message I get on the command line is "there is no soundcard".

Menu sounds work absolutely fine, as does the sound on video files, initially. After about an hour the audio goes out of sync and has to be adjusted by between 200-250ms. This usually works fine for another hour or two, but then starts to get worse and needs to be adjusted to 300-400ms. The problem continues to get worse until I just restart XBMC.

After stopping the video the sounds in the menu are out of sync to the same extent as the video (I havent seen this in any of the threads I searched)

I have tried using 'Adjust display refresh rate to match video', 'Sync playback to display' and each A/V Sync method in various combinations, but the problem still persists.

I never used to have this problem, using the exact same hardware, it just randomly appeared and now I cant figure out how to get rid of it. I'm at the point of full OS re-install!
Note: I get this in all video files, not just standard def, 720p, 1080p, etc. (Along with the menu - I keep mentioning this as I think the menu being out of sync is the weirdest part)
I had completely disregarding some of the points on forum etiquette:

Here is a paste of my xbmc.log (from the moment I started playing a file):

Kernel Version: 2.6.37-4-generic x86_64
XBMC version: 2:10.1~ppa1~maverick
A full OS re-install did not fix anything.

I have done some additional testing. I thought the issue may be related to the RAID array and some kind of sync issue when reading data from there.

I copied video files from the RAID array to both my SSD boot drive and a normal 5400rpm platter, both yielded the same results. The audio started out ok, then gradually lagged up to 200ms+ and after the video stopped playing the menu sounds were also out of sync.

I think this is enough to rule the RAID out.

I will probably keep commenting on here until either somebody else helps me (which would be awesome), or I solve the issue, in which case it may help somebody else out in the future
Still no fix - Anybody have any tips for me to try
bump - help
Perhaps try another version of ubuntu. I loads of random issues with maverick. Are these issues present with the xbmc livecd?
The issue has persisted on 3 different versions of Ubuntu now. I am starting to think the issue may be with the Toshiba TV it is connecting to

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Audio Sync Issues - Video and Menu0