Will my hardware work good with Linux or should i go W7?
Hello. I am building my HTPC for living room now. I have played a little bit with XBMC the past weeks but I just cant get HDMI audio on my GT220 (Sparke no-fan version). So I am asking you guys, is there any graphics card that works out of box in linux? I have tested pretty much everything I can find regarding my issue but it doesnt seem to wanna work.

Should I go with W7+gt220 so that my sound will work, or buy a new card that will work, if there is one?

My other hardware is;
AMD Athlon X2 250 3.0ghz
2gb DDR2 Ram
Gigabyte am2+ MB realtek sound or something
16gb USB or 500GB Hdd

I really hope you guys can shed some light on my issues Rolleyes
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i dont use Linux so i cant help you on this issue..

however, going with windows is at least something to try,,,

i have a GT210 and HDMI audio works on WIN7..

of course windows7 will require at least a 30GB Hard Disk Drive...
cider123 Wrote:...My other hardware is ...
16gb USB ...

Have you tried openelec?
Asus AT5IONT-I in an A+ CUPID-3 + 2TB Seagate LP + 16GB SSD + Ubuntu + Samba + XBMC

AT5IONT-I Problems? Check out my Motherboard I/O Map for troubleshooting tips.
numb7rs Wrote:Have you tried openelec?

Looks interesting. I will give this OpenELEC a try and see if I can manage to get sound over HDMI with this OS.
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As an advocate of Linux, I'd always recommend it..

Its more fun Smile

Or run something newer it should just work.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
darkscout Wrote:http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_set_u...C_or_GT240

Or run something newer it should just work.

I have tried this guide several times without getting sound. but this

"enable_msi=0 probe_mask=0xffff,0xfff2 "

I don't know what to put for my Sparke GT220 :/
I've tried the general one and it won't work.
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Will my hardware work good with Linux or should i go W7?0