Nonclameture issues with TVDB
I have the BBC Documentary 'The Big Bang Machine' 2008 episode 2

The TVDB has information on this listing, but it doesn't scan in... Scanning for the "'The Big Bang Machine" get nothing... Scanning for BBC Documentaries (en) get results, but the episode isn't there... naming the episode S08E02 fails, also the name 2008 - 2 fails... and just plain 'The Big Bang Machine' what's the magic?

I've got quite a few of these BBC docs.
Not sure if it's exactly the same problem, but I found I had a number of TV recordings with "2009" in the title which the scanner really didn't like. Changing them to "09" worked, though.

I also found I had to put something ("0000" seemed to work) at the beginning of the filename.... this is all assuming that you're not meticulously following the preferred naming scheme, of course.

PatK Wrote:I have the BBC Documentary 'The Big Bang Machine' 2008 episode 2

The TVDB has information on this listing, but it doesn't scan in... Scanning for the "'The Big Bang Machine" get nothing... Scanning for BBC Documentaries (en) get results, but the episode isn't there... naming the episode S08E02 fails, also the name 2008 - 2 fails... and just plain 'The Big Bang Machine' what's the magic?

I've got quite a few of these BBC docs.

Try renaming it "BBC Documentaries s2008e02.ext" I have no idea if that will work, but it's how the season number is listed on the site.

EDIT: Yep - that worked perfect.
stoli Wrote:Try renaming it "BBC Documentaries s2008e02.ext" I have no idea if that will work, but it's how the season number is listed on the site.

EDIT: Yep - that worked perfect.

I knew it was something I didn't try yet.... got it. Still an odd PITA

Thank's... I'm almost bald now.
I'm catching most of the TVDB quirks but this one's got me stumped... it's the Special Making of... Band of Brothers, no air date so I assume it was never broadcast and I'm stuck as how to enter it into my library. Looks like it should be S01E11 but that doesn't do it... S02E02 is a no go. Without a date and only the word 'special' doesn't get me anywhere.
It is:

S00 = Specials/Extras
E02 = The sequential number given in

Flirc now has a forum:
Worked like a charm... thank-you.

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Nonclameture issues with TVDB0