Asrock Ion 330 Wake from sleep with IR Remote?
I am currently using a Logitech Dinovo mini to control XBMC and it has no issues with sending the HTPC to hibernate and waking it up.

I purchased a logitech 1100i and want to control XBMC using it, so I purchased the following remote and IR receiver

It seems to do everything I want but wake up it from hibernate. The IR's receivers red light will flash if you send a signal but it just won't wake up.
I plugged in a USB keyboard in the same port and it will wake up and USB on wake is enabled in the bios.

Is there anything else I can try?
I haven't tried programming the 1100i yet as I figured if the included remote won't work why would the 1100i work
sefu Wrote:I am currently using a Logitech Dinovo mini to control XBMC and it has no issues with sending the HTPC to hibernate and waking it up.

I purchased a logitech 1100i and want to control XBMC using it, so I purchased the following remote and IR receiver

It seems to do everything I want but wake up it from hibernate. The IR's receivers red light will flash if you send a signal but it just won't wake up.
I plugged in a USB keyboard in the same port and it will wake up and USB on wake is enabled in the bios.

Is there anything else I can try?
I haven't tried programming the 1100i yet as I figured if the included remote won't work why would the 1100i work

Can't get on ebay at work so I can't look at what you bought, but is it a RC6 receiver?

If so you should setup the remote as in here:

And try the power toggle commands for each of the devices in there. One of them works for me.

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Asrock Ion 330 Wake from sleep with IR Remote?0