I get no video/picture when playing a movie record on dvd Recorder
I've installed XBMC 10.1 on my mac book pro with OS X 10.6.8
And tried to play content recorded on my DVD recorder.
When i select a recorded program i can hear the sound but get no picture at all. When i press any button e.g. stop.
The mouse cursor leaves a trail or the application doesn't respond. I have to kill XBMC process by using the Activity monitor as it say (not responding). Below is what i did.

I added a new source under the video menu. I selected UPnP devices. My device show up which is a Panasonic DVD Recorder DMR-XW380. I select the device.
Back on the video menu, i select the device and it displays a list of recorded programs on my dvd recorder.
When i select a program. I can hear the sound of the program but I no video.
when i do something the application doesn't respond.

I've pasted a debug log here http://pastebin.com/pnek5QPc

The content on the DVD player is recorded off Freeview in New Zealand.

Any ideas why its not working?
I can view content on window 7 through window media player without any problem.

Run MediaInfo on some of the content on those DVDs and tell us what it says.
The videos are on the dvd recorder harddrive. I'm not sure how to get them off the harddrive so i can run media info against them.

The panasonic manual says
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264
MPEG2(Hybrid VBR)

i also installed XBMC on my vista PC and everything worked fine.

Any other ideas?

I found the following post http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=85565 which sound similar to my problem.
So i turned off hardware acceleration(VDADecoder).

So now i get video but no sound. Where with hardware acceleration on i get no video but sound.

I also found this post http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=95492 which has a link to

Would this fix my issue? I have OS X 10.6.8 not 10.6.4 would it make a difference?


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I get no video/picture when playing a movie record on dvd Recorder0