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I have setup my windows XBMC with MySQL and have been able to share the Thumbnails directory with a symbolic link. Each movie is in it's own folder and was scrapped with Media Companion, so all the files are on the hard drive and should not need to be pulled from the Internet. I am using the XBMCSetup-20111002-43f00d2-master.exe release and the default Confluence skin. The skin is in the Media Info 2 view. The computer that is hosting the files displays the fanart and posters properly but the client computer only shows the fan art and where the posters are suppose to be being displayed is an image of part of the move. Is there way to display these posters properly? I also noticed that the client seems to be downloading the Thumbnails. Is this suppose to happen? I thought the files were suppose to stay on the "server". Maybe I missed a step? Thank you kindly for any assistance.


I believe I have determined that the folder.jpg files it the one that is not showing up. In Media Companion it is called a poster.

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