Pre-eden & Streaming Addons
Can anyone comment on the nightlies and available streaming content addons?

I explored the nightlies two or three months ago to find many if not most of my streaming content addons were unavailable in the repository or not working for the pre-eden. I suspect the maintainers had not added them.

Like to play with my new USB-CEC but not at the expense of losing pandora, free cable, Hulu, etc.

Thank you!
tv catch up and BBC i player work fine for me on a nightly build.

Why don't you just install a nightly build in a different directory and run it in portable mode?

That way you can mess about with it without messing up your main xbmc and library.
Well, probably because I didn't know about portable mode.


Great idea and thank you!

Will do a forum search for it now.
Just fyi, most of the addons you mentioned aren't actually in the official XBMC repo, so if you install fresh and look for them, they will never show up.
Understood and thank you for the information.

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