Slow samba issues

it looks like i fixed the problem on my side. i disabled alchol 120% from mounting a virtual drive on startup. as soon as i turned off the virtual drive, my network slow downs stopped. weird, eh?
hmmm....i've tried unmounting my daemon tools virtual drive, changed the streaming folder, but it's the same! i'm clueless regarding this issue. does anyone have antother solution?
i had the same problem and it was driving me nuts! finally changed something which fixed it for me. i changed the debuglevel for the samba share to 10 and it now fills the cache almost immediately with no skips anymore. change this in the xboxmediacentre.xml file as per below:

<smbsharename>(smb) network</smbsharename>

just make sure that your log level (at the start of the xml file) is set to 2 or higher otherwise it will slow down dramatically as it tries to log all of the samba activities to the log file:

<!-- set the logging level: !-->
<!-- log level 0 = debug !-->
<!-- log level 1 = info !-->
<!-- log level 2 = notice !-->
<!-- log level 3 = warning !-->
<!-- log level 4 = error !-->
<!-- log level 5 = severe !-->
<!-- log level 6 = fatal !-->
<!-- log level 7 = none !-->
<!-- the higher loglevel number set, the less logging you will get. !-->
<!-- default is notice which logs everything except debug and info. !-->
<!-- loglevel debug also enables mplayer debug. !-->

hope this solves your problem!


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