Point Videos and TV Shows to an external Hard Drive
Hi, I tried searching buy didn't see this on the wiki.

I have a setup with small internal hard drive and a 2TB external drive. I would like to point the Videos and TV Shows to their respective subfolders on the external drive (instead of adding an additional folder)

-- Eden doesn't seem to be scrapping movie info, is this why because movies aren't in the videos folder?
-- The XBMC remote for android doesn't support external drives from what i can tell.
Usually I just enter videos, and click on add source. If I can't navigate using browse, I just enter the path to the location.

Then just right click on the new source (i.e. /path/to/usb/movies) and click set content.

It should be easy to figure out from there.

What linux distro are you using? Are you on Live? Such info can help get better advice.
I said I would not like to add a source. I want the sources already there (videos and tv shows) to point to different folders.

XBMC 11.0 Beta1 Git:22ad8e4 (Jan 5, 2012)
Bump, hopefully someone can help me?
billyvnilly Wrote:I said I would not like to add a source. I want the sources already there (videos and tv shows) to point to different folders.

XBMC 11.0 Beta1 Git:22ad8e4 (Jan 5, 2012)

I think you're talking about Symbolic Links. There is also a function in AdvancedSettings.xml for path substitution.


Only items that are added as a media source and a scraper selected will scan into the library. Is there some reason you don't want to just add the external drive as another source?
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Point Videos and TV Shows to an external Hard Drive0