Vid Lib Import doesn't work
Library Import:
Nothing happens. I select the directory where the XML and four directories are, hit OK...and nothing happens. I've zipped the XML file (File:; let me know if you need anything else for that.

Database Upgrade:
When I do it, I delete the 60 and let it run off a copy of the Dharma one at xbmc_christopher_video. I didn't realize the Dharma MySQL DBs were versioned; it's not named 42 or anything. Strangely, though, that column does exist; not sure where it came from. I've got a mysqldump here, but it's kinda big; let me know if you'd like to see something specific. (File: [The DB here is my backup copy, which is actually called that's not part of the issue, just so you know)

Thanks again. I appreciate your help. Let me know if you need anything else.
Is the column at the end of the settings table (i.e. it came from an update) or about the 4th or 5th column (it came from a fresh install)?

You could try bumping the version (in the version table) to v43 via mysql directly to try and get past it. It might then die on the v43->44 update (collation stuff) perhaps, or later on.

Either way, something updated it or at least attempted to update it (as the version wasn't bumped it indicates that it wasn't completely updated properly) - perhaps you used a nightly at some point?
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Yeah, it was at the end of the table. I tried to avoid the nightlies after Dharma came out, but my memory's's totally possible. hehe

So, you were right. I bumped the version number to 43, and got this: [partial log] Therefore, I'm guessing it is I who messed up my database at some point. Any suggestions for how I should look into manually updating? Do the changelogs detail the differences between db versions, by chance? Or maybe just keep incrementing the version number until it works? hehe

Or perhaps I should figure out what's wrong with my import and start fresh? Like I said, nothing happens after I select the directory with the XML file. Anything else I should try there?
Yeah, that's collation issues. You may be able to skip it and not notice any issues (bump to v44) - worth a crack at least! After that it's more likely to go smoother but who knows...

As for your export, open up the xml file in firefox and see if it loads or errors - if it loads it's valid XML. At the start it should have <videodb> (after the XML utf8 declaration). If it's valid and starts like that then I'm not sure what could be going wrong.

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OK, bumped the version, and after a long update process, I think it's okay. A few shows got a little screwed up, but it's minor stuff.

On the import side, you were right again. The XML was invalid. This is what was tripping it up:

    <name>Zoe Saldana</name>
    <role>Neytiri (as Zoë Saldana)</role>

It said column 19, which is the 'N' in the <role>. Perhaps it's that character in there? This XML was generated by my Dharma install, so I'm not sure if it's an error I made or a bug in the XML generator or parser or whatever.

Either way, I think I'm good for now. Thanks so much for your help; please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
Glad you got it fixed. Mind doing an export now from Eden RC2 and seeing whether it has the same problem?
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Did an export, and I'm not seeing an error on the XML. I can try an import tomorrow to see if that sheds any light on anything. Thanks again.

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Vid Lib Import doesn't work0