XBMC Still Defaults to DVDPlayer
I really hate making the first post an issue, but issues aside XBMC is great - I usually don't go out on a limb to try new stuff, but it's got me excited to build an HTPC.

Anyway, the issue is as the thread subject describes - despite cooking up an advancedsettings.xml according to the HOW-TO for external players AND changing playercorefactory.xml to include only MPC-HT, when I play back video (with the default theme - have not changed themes since fresh install) it always defaults to DVDPlayer and not MPC-HT. I don't think this is uncommon, but several google searches did not yield any solution I haven't gone through or already done.

I'm using 11.0 Eden and not one of the monthly and nightlies.

I know DVDPlayer is being defaulted to since artifacts are on the screen when playing back a Hi10p video and I created args to not close MPC-HT when finished with playback unless I'm misunderstanding how things works (very likely the case). When playing back individual files I can choose to use MPC-HT, but DVDPlayer still shows up as default. My goal is to NEVER default to DVDPlayer. However, when you queue up (video, in my case) files you are no longer able to choose which video player to use - it simply defaults to DVDPlayer for the entire queue. As you can imagine, having a queued list of Hi10p and non-Hi10p videos makes play back irritating. Similarly, when opening an individual video file it also defaults to DVDPlayer.

Here are the contents of playercorefactory.xml (mostly unmodified from the example HOW-TO on external players) which may prove more useful for troubleshooting than me trying to explain things:

<player name="MPC-HC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="true" video="true">
<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Combined Community Codec Pack\MPC\mpc-hc.exe</filename>
<args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>

Similarly, here are the contents of my advancedsettings.xml (which was also largely taken from another user's post. However, their post did not include "{1}" in the args tag and obviously the player executable target is different):




<filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Combined Community Codec Pack\MPC\mpc-hc.exe</filename>
<args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>


Other than what I've messed around with and attempted to tweak with the xml files, I'm not sure what else may be going on. According to several posts on a similar topic, this should cause MPC-HT to be the default player, not DVDPlayer.

Any solutions or explanations would be greatly appreciated (because I really do want to fall in love with XBMC and go nuts with all its features, but this sort of experience with just _playback_ is no bueno).
Figured it out. Turns out the rules tag for playercorefactory.xml really is necessary...which makes sense after sitting and thinking about it for a bit

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XBMC Still Defaults to DVDPlayer0