librtmp version in Eden.


I'm starting to have issues with my plugins in Eden (FreeCable plugin specifically). The logs indicate errors from librtmp.

Is there a difference between the librtmp available via and the one in the Eden 11.0 take 4 XBMC?

I don't know what you mean by "take 4", but the latest nightlies seem to have the "working" librtmp installed.
if you are not using the nightlies, then you will need to download the librtmp file located in either the Hulu support forum, or the ESPN 3 support forum. You may be able to find the same file in the Free Cable support forum.

there are different ones floating around.
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009

Thanks, I'm on Eden not nightlies.
The short answer is that the binaries are not the same. Once I upgraded my librtmp my streaming issues went away for the broadcaster that I care about on the FreeCable plugin.

Why is the Eden version of XBMC not kept up to date with fixes to libraries that ship with it? I don't want to move to Frodo to get the latest librtmp. I would prefer to have it backported to Eden and then have a new ATV2 Eden be released.

We won't maintain eden any further. We all focus on frodo and will maintain this. There will be frodo bugfix releases and we backport all fixes into frodo once its released. We just skipped this for eden because of the many new features we have in frodo (pvr, new audio engine, lots of gsoc stuff).
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
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librtmp version in Eden.0