yet another how and what?-migrating

Im curious about what i should do?
I have a decent collection of mp3, music videos, and regular movies.
I have a server in the basement with all media, including a few thousand photos.
I have computers in the livingroom and bedroom to play music and watch films.
And a few laptops around.

My problem is that i grew up mith m$ since the days you had to configure your own autoexec.bat and files. I need the easy way to get rid of m$ and start using linux. I kinda need someone to point the fingers at what to use on the server and on the rest of the computers. Network in linux is my biggest fear :-)

i probably want to have dual boot so i can have the unusual bf3 fun.
(i know it should be possible to access xmbcserver from win) but getting there is the hard part. Ive tried ubuntu a few times during last years and its just workig great out of the box) exept me having network trouble.

So there you have the basics for pointing me to a direction for:
what to run on server?
what to run on the other computers?
What way for network? Samba or others?

For the network i need 2 things.
Good step by step for dummies
working for both win and linux.
I probably going to need that for everything. . . . .


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yet another how and what?-migrating0