No Add-ons after new instalation in Frodo 12
Hello guys - the thread subject says it all, just add that I run Windows 8 64-bit and when I go in "Get Add-ons" there is nothing except PVR add-ons. XBMC is not blocked by firewall and I had no problems with v.11 Eden.

Is this a known problem with Frodo? Should I try to reinstall?

Thanks for any help.

I just ran into the same problem, except on Windows 7 Pro 32 bit. Had to do a full Frodo reinstall after a hardware crash. Now no XBMC addons are available except PVR, which I don't want or need. This didn't happen when I installed Frodo a week ago!
Oops... found the answer here:

Context Menu > Force Refresh.

(Never had to do that before. Smile )

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No Add-ons after new instalation in Frodo 120