How to test if plugin is installed
I have a plugin that may (rarely) be forced to use a youtube or vimeo link to play a video.

How can I test whether these plugins are actually installed?
Or, is the only safe way to handle this by requiring them in addon.xml.

Thanks for your help!
you could use this to check if an addon is installed:
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You don't need to require them via addon.xml. Just return it's playable URL and XBMC will ask the user if the add-on should be installed.
My GitHub. My Add-ons:
(2013-03-11, 08:20)sphere Wrote: You don't need to require them via addon.xml. Just return it's playable URL and XBMC will ask the user if the add-on should be installed.
Wow that is splendid!
Thanks everyone for the quick replies Smile

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