OS X Compiling XBMC for Nvida 320M

Since the release of XBMC (version 12.0 Frodo) that the Nvidia 320M graphics card, using hardware acceleration, has a bug where some weird lines appear on the screen. davilla analyzed the problem and created a patch for ATI, Intel and Nvidia cards. But apparently the problem has not been resolved for the Nvidia 320M and the damn lines still appear.

Fed up with this problem I compiled a local version of XBMC on which i basically changed the value of the flag "m_use_cvBufferRef" from true to false.

Now I would like to share this on the forum to perhaps promote this change and create an exception for this graphics card and others that have the same problem.

I am new to this forum and do not know what is the best course of action. I could name two:
Provide the patch to users or create a pull request.

What do you think that can be done regarding this?

A pull request where your patch only gets applied to Nvidia 320M (cause we are not aware of other gpus which need this special handling yet and don't wanna do it in general).
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Ok , but i remembered another thing. I was not the only user to complain about this behavior This Thread has more info.But the comment that davilla made in the code, that all nvidia are capable and powerful when using decode async and cvBufferRef , makes me wonder if the problem is elsewhere but i don't know the code so that i can make an assumption on where the real problem could be.
Well maybe - but the code works on most nvidia cards i would say. So we "just" might need to blacklist some of them (starting with the 320M). At least until someone is willing to dig into the deepness of hw decoding.
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Compiling XBMC for Nvida 320M0