Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
AddOn for adding and browsing my own keywords for music?

I want to add my own keywords to any music title in the library and be able to browse (search/filter/sort...) for them later on. With "keyword" I do not mean ID3 tags, so it's okay to have them stored separately. The amaroK musik player has a similar functionality.

For example, I want to tag some songs with keyword like "birthday party" or "dancing school training" and be able to search for all of these songs later on. I don't want to misuse some ID3 tags (i.e. genre) for this.

Is there any addon which provides such functionality for XBMC?

Thanks for your help,

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AddOn for adding and browsing my own keywords for music?0