Help with size of text developing a script
Hi to all, im developing a script, its about from spain.

Well the problem is in ControlList, the setSpace(x) is not working, on controlLabel, there is no option to resize the text o.O :S

so i changed the font13 to font10 and now the text is more smaller, but i cant setSpace(x) between those objects...

im using xbmcgui.Window, not XML, coz XML i dont know how to do :S

so what can i do? i use the default skin confluence...

Thanx in advice
Regarding text fonts:

I'm not an expert in the "between skin and script" part of add-on development, but from my knowledge this is an already known limitation: A script can't define new fonts. It only can select one of the (from the current global in use) skin pre-defined fonts by name (e.g font10).

This is already part (point 2.4) of my "My 30 Add-on API wishes"-Thread.

Like I already said, I'm not an expert on this topic, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
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