[SOLVED] XBMC as Home Launcher Problem
Big Grin 
I somehow fixed it now... If you want to get the .apk go here - http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?9...e-Launcher

This xbmc not running on other devices:|

But I think in this case the androidmanifest.xml was the problem, yupee you can select if the press the Home utton the xbmc as home launcher.

But if you continue the test deeper you will see some trouble:

-No wifi connection - somehow the xbmc lock the android system wifi On\Off

-XBMC cant load the configuration - sdcard not mounted - xbmc start so fast cant read the user configuration

There is a timing + compatbility problem i think.

After reading days the forum, i get only one solution - this is i think one workaround - using a android autostart app from market:

-set the xbmc as timed starting app

-after the launcher \ frameworks res apk user interface is up, xbmc starting good - wifi ok, user settings ok

So i think this problem not fixed...Sad

But if somebody know more about this problem let me know, maybe i missed something out here in the forum as working solution.


(2013-12-29, 00:01)johnsnow5440 Wrote: **UPDATE**
I somehow fixed it now... If you want to get the .apk go here - http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php?9...e-Launcher


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[SOLVED] XBMC as Home Launcher Problem0