refresh not asking if i want to use local metadatadata
hi all - i am using win7 and a recently (about a month ago) installed version of frodo, and aeon nox skin.
When refreshing the file information window from within TV series, eden always asked if i wanted to use local data or refresh from the internet, but Frodo just goes ahead and scans from the TVDB, (and in some cases replaces custom metadata with the TVDB data)
Is there any way to get frodo to do the same as eden? as I use Genres to browse my files, and I have to pre-scrape any new shows before i add them to my XBMC, for example Anime, and sub genres like Legal Dramas, Medical Dramas, Sitcoms etc, so I cannot have XBMC messing around with this

BTW i was blown away by how the upgrade to frodo from eden went so smoothly - great job by all the developers!

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refresh not asking if i want to use local metadatadata0