Is it possible to create a script to open a playlist

I was wondering if it would be possible to create a script to open a playlist - basically the reason i am wanting to do this is i have added quite a few playlists to my setup (i am using SI02) as i like the simple interface (easy for wife and kids) - however i have used up all the "favourites" and was now hoping to trick the system in to allow me to add more of my favourite by using a script to open the playlist (rather then use the favourite function) - i started looking into writing my own script to do this - however to tell you the truth i was hoping someone had already found a solution and was willing to share - or even help with the script.

XBMC Frodo running on raspbmc (SI02)
XBMC Frodo running on openELEC (SI02)

Ubuntu 12.04

You would need a script for each new playlist. It may be easier to just edit the CustomHomeCustomizer.xml file found in addons/skin.sio2/1080i/ and replace the Addon or Script entries with more HomeFav ones.

For example, in line 307 there is this code for the first AddonCustom.

<item id="401" description="AddonCustom">
            <item id="401" description="AddonCustom">
              <label>+ $LOCALIZE[24000]</label>

I took the line for item 606 HomeFav (just above it) and used them to overwrite the AddonCustom:
<item id="401" description="HomeFav">
              <label2>+ $LOCALIZE[1036]</label2>
            <item id="401" description="HomeFav">
              <label>+ $LOCALIZE[1036]</label>

So I now have 7 slots for Favourites.

To make sure they show up on the Home screen, you need to edit the Home.xml.

Change the original item id=401 (around line 290) from this:
<item id="401" description="Custom addon">
          <property name="color">icons/lightblue.png</property>

To this:
<item id="401" description="Custom Fvourite">
          <property name="color">icons/darkblue.png</property>

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Is it possible to create a script to open a playlist0