get unique Items
Hi there

How to get unique Items from the query?
For VideoLibrary.GetMovies and VideoLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedMovies

I have duplicates I want to get read of...

Are those duplicates also available in your library when browsing through it in XBMC's GUI?

If that's the case you need to do some item comparison. For movies and tvshows you could e.g. compare the title and the year. But JSON-RPC doesn't offer that functionality, you have to write it yourself.
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Yes they appear in the XBMC's GUI.

I came upon this uniqueItem parameter and I wasn't sure how to use it, or even if it was used anywhere...
Depending on the scraper you have chosen in XBMC the "uniqueItem" property may contain some unique identifier used by the scraper (e.g. a IMDB or TMDB identifier) but it fully depends on the scraper.
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