Starting Live TV in Aeon NOX 5 causes Kodi (Helix) to freeze

I observed a severe issue with Aeon NOX 5 in Helix.
When starting Kodi the PVR manager needs some extra time to initialize and refresh channel list. It may take several seconds.
If Live TV menu is started during this time then Kodi freezes. It ends up in a black screen with message box at the top: "PVR manager is starting up: 0% / Loading channels from clients" Kodi does not react on any input. System must be restarted to recover.

This behavior is present both in Linux (Openelec) and Windows.

I think it is a bug in the skin because the fault is not reproducible with standard Confluence skin. It has a trick. It simply does not show Live TV menu until PVR manager has been started.

I tested also what happens if Live TV set as startup window. It is not nice either. The Kodi logo nastily blinks for a while but finally the system survives and the Live TV menu starts.
This behaviour is common both in Aeon NOX and Confluence.

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Starting Live TV in Aeon NOX 5 causes Kodi (Helix) to freeze0