Win MeegoPad T01 HDMI Stick with Windows 8.1 KODI Demonstration
Hi all,

just wanted to give you a short demo what the MeegoPad T01 can do with Kodi.

It runs very smoothly. As you can see in the video I have test two 1080p streams (from the internet). No buffering, no lags.

The only downside: You put this thing right behind a TV - now guess what! You can't wake it up with a USB keyboard or a mouse (wired, wireless). Means you have to get up and fiddle around with the small power button to turn it back on again. I have already looked in something like "RESTORE POWER AFTER AC LOSS", which unfortunately the BIOS doesn't provide - with this function it would at least turn on automatically when the TV is turned on (if connected to the TV USB hub).

Hope the manufacturer hears about this problem.


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MeegoPad T01 HDMI Stick with Windows 8.1 KODI Demonstration0