Linux Latest Ubuntu/linux nuked my live streams in KODI
I have Kodi 14.2 on 3 computers, 2 are used for TV in LR and BR and one on my laptop, yesterday I did the security update on the BR machine and instantly lost ability to watch certain live feeds, all US feeds ESPN 3 and a local news channel among others.

I then did the update for the laptop this is running lubuntu with the LXLE environment, before I did the update I checked Kodi 14.02 and everything was fine 30 seconds later after completing the upgrades for ubuntu I lost the live streams not all but like above.

Needless to say when the updates came for the LR, I did just the Kodi PVR updates and unchecked the ubuntu updates and all my channels still function.
I'm just letting people know and if someone knows a fix.

The Ubuntu updates were: javascript engine library from webkit gtk+
javascript engine library from webkitgtk+-gobject introspection data
web content engine library for gtk+
web content engine library for gtk+-data files
web content engine library from webkitgtk+-gobject introspection data
I started to post the same thing here and found this post.. I have not tested on Raspberry Pi but I have tested on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit.

I am talking here about legit sources like USTVNow, and Filmon.

This 14.2 update is broken if it is what negates some of the best legitimate live TV addons, however I also did a sudo apt-get upgrade on 2 machines with the same issue.

On a further note, I am not sure how to downgrade back to 14.1 . This might help me to determine if it is Kodi 14.2 that caused the issue , some dependency or the sudo apt-get upgrade. I thought I could find 14.1 in the PPA but I do not see it in the web pages. The only 14 version I found is 14.2.
It also nuked phoenix streams like entertainment 24/7, live news (usa).
From what I "hear" and "can think" behind the curtains .. it seems you did not upgrade the relevant librtmp, which was bumped. But without a Debug Log - no one will know.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
My librtmp0 shows 2.4 with a date of 2012 and there is nothing newer.

I did however install librtmp1 and librtmp-dev and the streams now work.

If this is a dependency change Synaptic is unaware of it and therein lies the bug
Jep, that's the problem ... normally apt holds those packages back - but it seems synaptics allows "manual" installation and this won't install the depending libs.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I'll gointo synaptic and check.
that was it!

ETA: LR had Librtmp1 but not libttmp-dev so I added that then did LR upgrade and the legit addons still worked.

Thank You.

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Latest Ubuntu/linux nuked my live streams in KODI0