[SOLUTION] Pi1 reboot movie information exit
Since I've had the Pi, I've had this annoying problem. whenever your access the movieinformation you have this sliding animation from the right, but when you press back to get rid of movieinformation, you have another sliding action, this almost always resulted in the pi rebooting. I'm guessing because of the animation theres a big spike in cpu (because theres already other things going on at the background) and thus a spike in power required, maybe my charger isn't good enough.

this behaviour calmed down for abit, this happened when I left my alone for a few weeks, so I'm guessing somehow I increased the resistence on the polyfuse by overloading it somehow (I use a multi plug adaptor) and because I use the Pi daily I dont let the polyfuse recover to default.

I'm surprised no one else has reported this issue because I have a handful of Pi's and everyone one of them have this issue (I have used many different chargers and the Pi's are from different batches)

BUT Big Grin today I found out a nice little trick to get rid of that

while you have movieinformation screen and you press back, Kodi recognises the action and performs a back action so it slides away, but if you change the action to "Fullscreen", Kodi does not perform the sliding action and just gets rid of the movieinformation. (you do lose the nice sound that its gone though) THIS IS AMAZING. I've continously pressed info and back (back now performs fullscreen) and not once has it rebooted, (previously if I pressed info and back contionusly it would reboot without fail). seriously I'm so happy, this was the one thing that I hated about the Pi. anyway I thought I will share this incase anyone else has this problem.

to make the changes from back to fullscreen, create a file call it remote.xml (or keyboard.xml) and place this inside it, (if Kodi recognises your remote as keyboard you would also need to change where you see "remote" to "keyboard")[/code]


store this in keymaps (found in userdata)

no more annoying reboots and spikes in power usage.
This was performed on Pi1, I don't know if this issue would happen on pi2

EDIT: spoke to soon, not sure if its because I was hammering the info-back button but its starting to rebot again (even without the animation) grrr will let it calm down and try latter

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[SOLUTION] Pi1 reboot movie information exit0