Pulse Eight HDMI CEC Issues
I've got an issue with Kodi switching the TV's HDMI input to Input #1 when my receiver is connected to Input #2.

Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11075450/

Kodi sends a 1f 82 10 00 when it should be sending a 1f 82 20 00

Is there a way to tell kodi to switch to the correct input? I've tried setting in the Peripherals section that the TV is set to HDMI 2 to no avail. I am connected to Input 4 on the receiver and to input 2 on the TV. Switching works correctly via the TV and via other sources. I am prepared to get my hands dirty in the code if need be, but thought someone might have some insight before I do. Thanks.
Might be best to create an issue here.
Very few people will be able to answer this question, but the best person (opdenkamp) will be sure to see it on the libcec issue tracker.
(2015-05-11, 13:05)popcornmix Wrote: Might be best to create an issue here.
Very few people will be able to answer this question, but the best person (opdenkamp) will be sure to see it on the libcec issue tracker.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. For those interested in progress of this issue, on the off chance you're experiencing the same thing, see https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/libcec/issues/91

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