Multiple Customization Suggestions Needed
I've recently installed XBMC on a Windows machine for a small business to be used as a kiosk video system. It's connected to a NAS that has video ISO files on it. I only want the users to be able to access those ISO files and none of the rest of XBMC. I've set XBMC as Windows shell and set admin password. I've also removed all options other than Videos from the menu.

I'm still running into a few problems as users appear to not be able to help themselves when it comes to pressing buttons. Any help to get rid of these issues would be appreciated:

1. Login prompt keeps popping up - Even if nothing is being clicked an admin login prompt will pop up randomly. Wondering if the system is trying to do some automatic process that needs to run under the admin.
2. SD and check marks next to titles - I want to remove the SD designations and check marks next to titles. I just want a simple UI that only allows users to navigate the titles and watch them, no other bells or whistles.
3. Volume - The volume has reset a few times and I found this was a key mapping issue. However, it appears a non-admin user can change the volume settings on videos and I want to lock them out of this.

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Multiple Customization Suggestions Needed0