Help with homesharing

I'm new to kodi and was looking for some help sharing files on my imac to kodi running on an amazon fire tv.

I have kodi installed on the imac and fire tv and have set up upnp under the settings menu on the imac. When I go to add a video source on the fire tv I select browse and look into the upnp but the imac is not shown. I had previously set up homesharing on my macbook and I can see and share files from that but I cannot seem to find my imac.

Any help with this would be appreciated, if you need any more info then let me know.

Are the iMac and macbook running the same OS? I can't see my Air under upnp running Yosemite. If you search on this forum there are some helpful posts on setting up NFS on your mac or installing a programme called SMBup, both of which I followed to let my RPi2 see my Air.

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