v15 GUI freeze when accessing EPG
(2015-08-03, 18:27)ichkriegediekri Wrote: Mhh I did the same (have Linux) but those where zip and not tar files!?

I just did wget https://github.com/picons/picons-source/...-13.tar.xz
Ok I did the same you have done, still not working :-( ...gotta be related to unicable setup then I guess
(2015-08-03, 19:18)ichkriegediekri Wrote: Ok I did the same you have done, still not working :-( ...gotta be related to unicable setup then I guess

Hmm, not sure I just use 2 x single lnb with 28.2 channels.

Might be worth you doing a bit of googling around unicable picons and enigma2. Picons have been used on e2 for ages, I'm sure someone would have had the same problem as you at some point.

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GUI freeze when accessing EPG0