Combine media from multiple video add ons in one list
Hey there,

I'm trying to achieve the following:
Let's say you have a few video add ons that you use quite often. So maybe you like one show on channel A and another one on channel B and you also regularly check this one playlist on youtube for new episodes and so on.
So if you want to know if there is new content in any of these add ons, you have to go to the add-on and the specific subfolder and check for new episodes manually.
I'm using the arctic zephyr skin which offers the possibility to make a widget out of nearly every subfolder in any video add-on. I'm using this to see if there is new content in one add-on right on the main screen. But for multiple add ons i have to create multiple widgets and switch between them.

Is there any way to combine multiple lists of multiple add ons in ONE view? Like a smart playlist that just presents any media from several add ons sorted by time. So i can see at a glance if there is any new content available.
I tried everything from smart folders, adding rss feeds over super favorites etc. I just can't find a way that works...

Any ideas?
I haven't used it myself, but the Super Favourites addon maybe what you want, see
Sadly not (or i can't figure it out).
I can put multiple subfolders from add ons in one Super Favourite folder, yes. But i still have to navigate to each of them and look for new content. I can't get it to really combine the CONTENT of these folders in one view...
Give Collections TV a shot, both add-ons are great and both have support threads.

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Combine media from multiple video add ons in one list0