Req Music ExtraInfo
Hi Everyone,

Firstly thanks to @jurialmunkey for such a great skin!
I realise that my request may be to my personal tastes but I'm hoping that other people may also be interested in what I'm looking for and maybe someone with the skills can help us out!
I listen to a lot of music (16TB+ music library) and what I'm looking for is some more information built into the "now playing" display. how difficult would it be to achieve something that looks like the below?


I'm basically just looking for the album art to be displayed on the right and the ExtendedInfo for the artist scrolling on the left.
Happy to donate for someone's time if they can help me out!
I think it would look good with the artist logo in the middle, if no artist logo is available then maybe display the artist name in large font in the middle?


My idea needs cleaning up, you don't need the artist name on the screen multiple times so I'd like to replace the artist name on the left with the song title and remove the rating stars. I've been playing with the MusicVisualisation XML but it's basically just trial and error at this point, Can anyone on here help me out or am I asking in the wrong place?

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Music ExtraInfo0