Series in "List" view. Can't find clearlogo. Only banner.
I'm using the List view, and for the most of the time, it works like a charm, and looks really good.
However, for a few shows (Norwegian, Swedish), it can't find any clearlogos for the shows. BUT it finds "banners". So I was wondering, is there any way to tell Kodi to use the image it downloaded for "banners" in "clearlogo" instead? This way it'll show up on my List-view in the series selection menu. Now it's just the name of the show. Unless I manually find a picture to use myself, or make one.

I've tried searching through all my thumbnails (for the image Kodi downloaded as "banner", so I can manually set the path for it in Kodi, as "clearlogo"), but there are literary thousands of them, and their filenames give no meaning whatsoever. It's all gibberish.
I guess I can redownload all imageart for the shows I want to change the banner picture to clearlogo for, and make Windows sort my thousands of thumbnails by modified date. But it feels like there should be some easier way to do this for us, users.

Anyone have any good ideas? Smile

Thanks for any response. And thanks for the best media-player ever! Been using it since the original Xbox! Smile

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Series in "List" view. Can't find clearlogo. Only banner.0