Android Video playback not centered on screen
I'm sure this issue has been beat around but I'm not sure if the answer to my problem has been solved. Both my tv's are not HDMI so I had to use RCA connectors. My android boxes came with Helix installed. The video playback fills up the screen nicely, but its not showing the right side of the movie or tv show and is unwatchable. I have tried every calibration available but can never watch the right half of the video. I read in this forum that a Kodi upgrade would fix this problem so tonight I upgraded to Isengard 15.2, but I still have screens that are off center. I'm about to take these boxes out with the garbage this week. My wife is giving me the "I told you it wouldn't work" speech. Can any one offer any suggestions I can do to fix this problem?
as you use RCA connectors, which resolution are your anonymous android boxes set to? is the right part also out of screen in the box menus/apps, XBMC/Kodi GUI, or is it only when outputting video?
OpenElec Standalone --> Asus Chromebox 'Panther' --> Onkyo TX-NR709 --> Sony 55" X85C Android TV (also with Kodi!)
Asus Chromebox EZ Script
Kodi on Sony Bravia Android TVs
I'm having this problem too with beta 4 of Jarvis. Cuts off about a third of the right side. Only does it on one title though.. Plays fine on my OpenElec box..
I have got this issue over the last couple of days too. Not too sure what to do as I also have tried every configuration possible to my knowledge.
The main Kodi screen is also a little funky as the config only allows the main screen to expand to about an inch short of the outside of my TV screen if this makes sense.
Consequently I am getting a thin black line inset on the movies.
Help!!! I am using a HDMI cable on an LG TV.
If its not been found out already guys I think I have the solution.
Go into your home screen of your box, before the XBMC App.
Go to settings, (the 2 cogs on my box)
Display, (TV screen on my box) and turn off the automatic HDMI sensor.
I switched my setting to 1080p 60hz and it has worked for me.
(2016-01-04, 17:07)Hannes The Hun Wrote: as you use RCA connectors, which resolution are your anonymous android boxes set to? is the right part also out of screen in the box menus/apps, XBMC/Kodi GUI, or is it only when outputting video?

Hun, the Box's resolution is greyed out in (settings-display) HDMI output mode setting to :720p-50hz. The HDMI auto detection is greyed out as well but the on-off switch is indicating "green on". Since they are greyed out I can't find a way to change them. Display position is 92% with a green on switch as well. The screen is perfect in all the android app's. I did notice that the resolution setting in KODI"s system settings in confluence was 1920x1080 @ 60 full screen and also greyed out so I couldnt adjust the resolution.
Now comes the wierd part... Today I upgraded my skin to Aeon Nox 6 because it has alot of nice features to "keep me from hunting for stuff". I calibrated my screen on the main page and launched the King tv guide so I could watch an NBA game. After a couple quarters I finally noticed that the screen was alot better, not perfect, but better than it was. I checked a movie out and it was 80%-90% better. I don't really know what I did to get it this far, I have changed alot of settings in the last 2-3 days, including a factory restart. I will update this thread after I work on the other box Santa brought me. In the mean time try changing your skin to see if that helps.

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Video playback not centered on screen1