Remote / keyboard controls
Hi all,

I finally got round to buying a Flirc receiver and proper remote to use with Kodi. I had been using my TV remote through HDMI CEC, but it only forwarded a small number of buttons (direction keys, ok ,back). So I was looking forward to being able to use all the extra keys, and I was hoping for a experience similar to using Sky+ (in the UK). Flirc sends all the buttons as keyboard presses, so my issues (I think) are just with the lack of keyboard shortcuts available. Can anyone suggest how I can get any of the following to work (I'm using Kodi 15 btw):

1. EPG record. I've got a record button on the remote I'd like to use. When I'm in the EPG, and I want to record the currently highlighted show, I have to open the Context menu and choose Add Timer. Is there no shortcut for this (other than making it the default behaviour when pressing OK - which I don't want)? Ctrl+R doesn't work. Similarly is there a shortcut to switch to channel (which I don't want as the default behaviour either). I've spent ages googling this problem and I can't find a solution. I simply want OK to bring up the info, a button to record and a button to switch to channel.

2. Live TV record. Is there a shortcut to record what I'm currently watching? I can't find this option.

3. Live TV channel change. I don't want the directional keys to change the channel on live TV (or skip back and forward). I have dedicated buttons on the remote for channel up and down, and next, previous, fast forward and rewind. Channel change is slow, and it drives me mad when I change the channel by mistake! On most PVRs (like Sky+), the directional keys will move through the listings without actually changing the channel (up and down goes through the channel list, left and right between now and next). I like the context menu that appears on the left in Live TV, it would be nice if that popped up when pressing Up and Down (and the buttons subsequently navigated through the list). Is something like this possible?

4. Progress bar in live TV. When I skip back and forward in Live TV, there is no progress indicator. It's not so much of an issue when fast forwarding and rewinding, but when using the incremental skips options (10s, 30s etc) it gives no visual indicator of how much has been skipped. I find navigating Live TV a bit flakey, but it seems to be a common problem.

5. I'm using the Aeon Nox skin (which looks awesome). It seems there has been a known issue for ages with the Add Timer window not appearing in the EPG. One workaround makes it transparent. Then a further workaround fixes the transparency. Does anyone know the latest status on this, and if a proper fix is available yet?


1. I don´t know
2. Look here for more Information with keyboardControls Wink
3. It´s a change in Kodi 16 Jarvis. With pageUp, pageDown you switch the channel, with up/down you just move through the Channels without switching. See here: Klick
4. Also changed in Kodi 16 Jarvis. There will be a Timeshift Indicator... But you need a PVR-Plugin which supports it (i.e. vdr, tvheadend) and a supporting skin... See here: Klick
5. I´m using Aeon Nox Silvo Skin, there aren´t any problems... Wink
Awesome thanks for the reply. I've been looking into this more the last couple of days and I realised a lot of it depends on the skin.

3. Great to know about the new channel change feature. But for now I realised I can map the up and down keys to bring up the playlist, or OSD. The new feature is exactly what I'm looking for though.
4. Good to know about this too. When I tried out some other skins though, I found they were clearer already. I was using Aeon Nox and the default progress bar is not very big.
5. I tried Aeon Nox Silvo, it doesn't work for me. But I'm using NextPVR and it's an issue with its recording dialog not displaying correctly (or at all with some skins).


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