Amazon Update Crash
Hello all, just joined.

I have just bought amazon fire tv box with latest kodi only a few days ago and i read somewhere not to update amazon as it interferes with kodi so when it started to update i unplugged my box. So next day turned on and amazon home screen has disappeared, starts up with amazon fire logo then goes to firestarter and kodi thumbnails. Kodi works fine, just would like amazon back. Anyone know how i can achieve this, many thanks
talk to Amazon?

Let me google that for you:
Am i missing anything with no amazon? My Kodi is working perfectly. Amazon have offered me a replacement box. How easy is it to install Kodi as I bought box already installed, many thanks again
Sounds like you had Fire Starter defaults to Kodi, if you can go to Fire Starter setting see how it set to go to Amazon. Alternatively, when you exit Kodi you should be at Amazon Home screen.
Also, I would never unplug a device during an update! Some devices are likely to get bricked don't that...
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Can I restore my box to an earlier date like a pc? Will I lose Kodi if I do this?

I have thumbnails of amazon apps on firestarter but they don't open.
(2016-01-23, 15:19)jjbell7 Wrote: Can I restore my box to an earlier date like a pc? Will I lose Kodi if I do this?

I have thumbnails of amazon apps on firestarter but they don't open.

Sounds like when you interrupted the update you damaged the installations of those apps. If Kodi is still working then I suggest doing a backup (add-on in the repo), factory reset the stick, reinstall Kodi and restore from backup.
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When I first updated Firestarter, it changed to defalt to load XBMC for me. That could be your problem as well. Took me awhile to get it fixed. And yes, I'm still using Gotham, just like how well it works right now and not wanting to risk losing a great setup by updating yet.
...also, Amazon updates will not interfere with Kodi.
Hello, I never done a thing but yesterday I got Amazon back, haven't a clue how but I'm grateful. Lesson learned though - don't try to stop any Amazon updates.

Happy days

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