Subtitle not working correctly
I had one RPi-2 running openELEC with kodi 15 and was fine, except that I didn't has Netflix. So, I brought one Orange Pi+ and now I'm running Android with Kodi. I have tested 2 images:
1) Works only Wifi of my board, plays Netflix nice.
2) Works Ethernet, but has problem with Netflix (artifacts on screen).

So, I'm using the first one, with Wifi (n) connection only. Kodi is running fine, except for subtitles. I have Serviio as my media server and I always used this as my server, works fine with Kodi. But now, when I load some movie, my subtitles get crazy. First, doesn't respect configurations that I've setup in Kodi config (color, size, etc). I already setup to force my configurations, even for SSA subtitles. Still not processing right. Second, subtitles are not always showing. Let's say that one lines is show, then nest is not.....then next dialog is show again, next not.....and so on. Note: I'm connected using "N" connection on my wifi and my video is PERFECT, no lag, no delay.
I have changed my Android firmware to one that Ethernet works and this subtitle problem was solved, no problem anymore....but I can't run this firmware, since they show a lot of artifacts while playing netflix.
Back to the first firmware using Wifi, I ve copied subtitle to local storage (on my board) and played movie from network (serviio), then selected my local subtitle file. Result: work perfectly! So my guess is that Kodi is trying to read subtitles the same time is reading movie instead of making cache o subtitle, and this is probably causing problems using Wifi. I just don't understand why my video is perfect and I'm losing subtitles? IS there any way to solve or change this configuration? I already modified settings (xml) to force cache (100MB) on my Kodi, but doesn't changed the problem.
The subsitles are in the same folder of my DLNA server and with the same name.

On all tests i've used Kodi 15.2 installed from Google play

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Subtitle not working correctly0