v16 Stop Playback when returning to the menu and 3D->2D

I tried finding a solution to this but as it seems I keep bumping into the wrong topics, so I figured I'll just ask.
I'm using the new Kodi 16, Mimic skin, on my FireTV 1, I did a complete clean install after "upgrading" from SPMC 14.

1) When watching a movie and returning to the menu, spmc used to stop the movie, which I liked. Kodi just keeps playing and I somehow can't find a setting to change that.

2) When opening a 3D movie I can't get it to play in 2D, no matter what setting I choose, is there a certain trick?

Sorry for the probably dumb questions, I’m still fairly new to Kodi and am sometimes overwhelmed by the complexity.
Thx in advance!
For the first one you just need to change the keymap. I like keymap 4: http://kodi.wiki/view/Alternative_keymap...e#Keymap_4
Thank's a lot, I'll try that later.
Anyone an idea concerning the 3D->2D thingy?
IIRC, you need to turn off "mediacodec (surface)" in the video playback settings.
Thank you very much, it worked. The 2D thingy is still not 100% perfect but I'm getting there.

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Stop Playback when returning to the menu and 3D->2D0