Android Push notification
Hi guys,

I am new to python (i do have some old old programming exp mostly VB and some java)

what i am trying to do and what i have achieved so far

so far i have been succusfull in creating my own wizard which deletes the old files in the addon directory and then downloads the new files from the server

what i am trying to do
I have 3 AVOV boxes with kodi located at different geo locations
i want to able to send a notification to all of them when there is an update available to my wizard so that they can update the setup
i was able use Pushbullet to some extend but it only works when the device is actually running and i send the notification at that time.
what i need I send the notification and when the user turns on the device and opens kodi they get a notification "new update available blah blah..."
is there any addons available out there? or is there a script i can have in kodi that always pulls the info from server on a regular intervals in a day.

Looking forward to your comments and help

okay so i just discovered that my code to delete the subfolders in addons folder works on windows but not on the android box (AVOV)

here is the code assume i have 3 sub-folders in %AppData%/Kodi/addons "keep" "folder1" "folder2".
import os
import shutil

save = ["keep"]
path = 'xbmc.translatePath('special://home/addons/')'

for content in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isdir('{}{}'.format(path, content)):
if content not in save:
shutil.rmtree('{}{}'.format(path, content))
this codes deletes the folder1 and folder 2 but not the "keep" folder

this work perfectly on windows but not on android

any help would be appreciated
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