Refresh rate issue with Kodi Jarvis Win10
I am having a bizarre refresh rate issue with both 16.0 and 16.1rc1. Note that this issue does not happen with prior versions, including 15.2 and 14.2.

I have my display drivers set to 59p (59.94hz) and when Kodi starts after a fresh boot, it will keep that refresh rate. Therefore, 29.97fps material will startup right away and not try to change the refresh rate; 25fps and 30fps material will change it to 60p. However, after exiting and restarting Kodi, it seems that Kodi ends up with a 60p refresh rate. Therefore all 29.97fps material will force a refresh rate change (and delay), and 25/30fps material will start right away with no change.

I have also noticed that there is more display flickering and delay when entering and exiting the 16.0/16.1 versions when compared to the earlier versions of Kodi. I'm not sure what changed, but I'm hoping this can get fixed. Being unable to use the more common (for me) 29.97fps material without forcing a refresh rate change and delay is quite annoying.

As for a debug log, I'm not entirely sure what to submit. Should I submit one from the successful (initial) launch of Kodi? The problematic (secondary+) launch? Both? Only the 16.1, or also 15.2 to compare?

System information:
Kodi 16.0 and 16.1rc1
Windows 10
Intel i3-4130T Haswell processor
Intel HD 4400 graphics with v15. driver

Thanks in advance for any help!
I am still having this issue with the final version of Jarvis 16.1 and the newest Intel drivers.

Please let me know what I can do to help find the solution to this.


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Refresh rate issue with Kodi Jarvis Win100