Any Stable 3D Capable Builds?
Hi all.
So far the only builds I can find that will playback my collection of 3d MKV [MVC] files are the Libreelec nightly builds. Is this actually the case, or are there more stable builds I could be using?
I tried Kodi 16 first, but it played them back in 2d, so I assume it can only handle TAB or SBS content?

Here's hoping

Have you tried the stable LibreELEC 7.0 release? It should support 3D MKV (but not 3D ISO, that's only in the LE8/Kodi 17 nightlies).
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
I've just given it a try. Unfortunately it plays most of my 3D MVC files in 2D. There are 2 it recognises as 3D, The Desolation of Smaug, and The Deathly Hallows Part 2. I have no idea what's different about those though. The Hobbit had automatically ripped with a .mk3d file type instead of the usual .mkv for some reason. I changed them all to .mk3d to see if that was the issue but it made no difference.
On Jarvis you need to name files correctly:

Or use the video OSD to specify the file is 3D.

This is automatic on nightly builds.
Those flags only seem to specify SBS or TAB though. Surely a frame packed MVC isn't either of these?
Also, the movies that weren't detected as 3D didn't have the 3D part of the OSD, so switching them once the movie starts isn't possible.
(2016-05-04, 02:18)MrBfJohn Wrote: Those flags only seem to specify SBS or TAB though. Surely a frame packed MVC isn't either of these?
Also, the movies that weren't detected as 3D didn't have the 3D part of the OSD, so switching them once the movie starts isn't possible.

There wasn't a flag for MVC, so the SBS/TAB flag was used as a workaround to signal '3D' I think. When I tested early 3D MVC decode support on my Pi 2 I needed to add the SBS or TAB bit to the filename to get 3D MVC MKVs to decode properly.
(2016-05-04, 10:33)noggin Wrote: Also, the movies that weren't detected as 3D didn't have the 3D part of the OSD, so switching them once the movie starts isn't possible.

All videos have "stereoscopic mode of video" setting in video OSD settings.
Once you have enabled that the separate 3D section shows up (you may need to stop and start playback).

Or use the filename tags. "3D.SBS", "3D.TAB" will work fine (you will get full resolution from MVC files whichever setting you choose).
Jarvis and nightly builds also support "3D.MVC" as a tag, but it behaves the same as "3D.SBS".
Ok, it looks like I have some tagging work to do Big Grin
Cheers for the info.

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Any Stable 3D Capable Builds?0