Krypton vs Jarvis (more stable?)
Just curious if any of you that had issues with Jarvis have tried Krypton, and if so, how is it?

I upgraded a machine that had been 100% stable for over 3 years to Jarvis and have had several problems. Yesterday I rolled back to Isengard and the black screen, slow down, and freezes have followed. I'm going to do a complete clean install (first time since September 2012) and was thinking about trying Krypton.

Try them all - keep them separate until you're happy the one you want is stable.
If you're upgrading make a copy of all your data first, so you can roll back to exactly where you were.
Try as many different versions / configurations as you want, without conflicts.

This has been an advertisement for the use of portable mode in windows.
I have just installed Krypton and it works fine, very quick and so smooth, very impressed.
No serious issues to report with Krypton either (Intel based PC). I'm very impressed with the new interface - excellent work by the Developers.
always use portable installs then you can run them all harm free!
Plagued by problems in Jarvis. Black screens on startup, random freezes, exception caught on main loop errors. Krypton is a return to form so far. The Kryton alpha nightlies are more stable than the Jarvis release and I'm loving having my system back (Windows Intel HD4600 based)

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Krypton vs Jarvis (more stable?)0