Any Playon Users?
Hey all! Any Playon users here? My question there anyway to successfully get widgets to work with PlayOn? I've tried using the PlayOn Browser addon but have been unsuccessful. It works for a moment but then it gets stuck on loading probably due to not finding the content and only works after a reset of Kodi and removing the widget. Also have tried using the UPnP source but of course doesn't work since those links expire hence trying to use the PlayOn Browser addon. I'm trying to get widgets working for Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon sources. Any direction would be appreciated. Great skin by the way! Just made the change and am loving the flexibility, look, and features of this skin.
I think it's never going to work because UPNP paths are dynamic, meaning they change all the time.
Offcourse you can ask it on the support thread for the PlayOn browser. He is very supportive and maybe he can come up with an easy solution or maybe something for me to fix in the skin to make it work.
Ok marcelveldt! Thanks for the quick response. Figured as much. Thanks for your great work! Love this skin more and more while I'm in the tweaking process. Wish had known about it much sooner. LOL.

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