Kodi UPNP Renderer does not work

I am having a problem getting kodi to accept upnp renderer requests from other installations of kodi. I have three kodi machines, and none of them will play media to the other kodi devices via upnp. I have "Allow remote control via UPNP" enabled on all three. All of them will play media to other upnp renderers that are not kodi (for example, waxrain). All of them will play media on kodi's upnp renderer when the media is started by a third party upnp control point. None of them will play media to another kodi installation through upnp.

What this implies to me is three things:

1) Kodi's upnp renderer is working fine, since other programs can cast to all three installations.
2) Kodi's upnp control point is working fine, since all three installations can play to other upnp renderers.
3) Something is different about the way kodi sends upnp control signals to other kodi installations, since this alone does not work.

Is this a bug in kodi? If so, when was it introduced, and when will it be fixed? Is there a config file edit I can make to enable this properly? Any help would be appreciated.

As a side note, I have also tried using Yatse to send media to each upnp renderer with the exact same results as if I had been sending the media from a kodi installation using "play using". I assume this means Yatse is just using kodi's system of sending out upnp control point data.

I should mention the three devices in question are: a media pc running arch linux; a phone running android 6.0; and a mygica box running android 4.4. All three are using kodi v16.1.


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Kodi UPNP Renderer does not work0