How to modfiy "In Progress" Movies/Shows ?
I need to modify the "In Progress" data.

If I had my family over for the weekend, I had kids watch a view cartoons.
But now these cartoons appear as "In Progress" / "On Deck".

I have checked the database - found bookmarks - but that's not it.
I deleted all the bookmarks, but "in Progress" has not changed.

Where exactly dow kodi store that information ?
Any hints ?
have a look at lastPlayed, resumeTimeInSeconds & PlayCount in movie_view and episode_view ... not sure if you need to set all 3 to null
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(2016-08-15, 22:16)zosky Wrote: have a look at lastPlayed, resumeTimeInSeconds & PlayCount in movie_view and episode_view ... not sure if you need to set all 3 to null

I tried hard - but failed
there must be some other store as well

I have deleted the bookmarks
I have deleted the Trakt Playhistory

Everytime I update/scann the library the status on 7 movies always comes back.
There has got to be another place ... maybe on the harddrive
why don't you just play the movies from where they left off, skip to the end, and be done with it?
Actually, they should only need to toggle the watched mark (Context menu -> Mark as watched, then -> Mark as unwatched) and that should clear out the in-progress marks of any library files (it doesn't work for videos not in the library).
I know this thread is old but I have a similar problem.
I have a lot of episodes and some movies that I have watched in the past (months ago) and they are still in the "in progress" section. I have tried to play all of the episodes until de end (same with movies) and they disappear but whenever I restart Kodi they appear again. This is a known problem? It happens with every skin.
Click on video, Start from beginning, Stop.
or simply mark those video as "watched" using the context menu?

Haha, or use the 'Reset resume position' option in there as well.
Or that, but that's Kodi v18. Not sure anymore if that was available at Kv17 as well Wink
There‘s a reset resume position function in Kodi 18? Any chance to make a context menu addon from this function so we can have it in Kodi 17, too?
if you have trakt add on go to settings - trakt (synchronised tab) and make sure sync movie playback process to kodi is turned off, if it’s not turn off save and reboot. If it’s still there delete and re add videos, now videos in progress will behave like you want it to, this worked for me.

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How to modfiy "In Progress" Movies/Shows ?0