Adding Favorite folders without Super Favorites?
I have searched and searched but have not found any answers on this so I apologize in advance if this has been covered.

I am trying to find a way to sort my favorites without using super favorites or library. Some add ons do not work with others but the Kodi favorites itself seem to always work globally. Problem is I have a few people in the house and everyone adds something to favorites so when I finally get time to watch something, I have to scroll thru tons of favorites to find my own. Is there any way that I can make folders {similar to Super Favorites} that I can assign to each person in the house and just have the folder show up on the Kodi favorites menu? I am using a Firestick so I am not even sure it is possible. Thanks in advance for any help.
Try using
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(2016-09-27, 21:03)Dangelus Wrote: Try using

Hi and thanks for heads up. I have started using profiles but on the FireStick switching between them can sometimes lock up the program, which I then have to bale out and wait for Kodi to reload again. I guess there is no other way other than Super Favorites to achieve this? Thanks again.

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Adding Favorite folders without Super Favorites?0